2008 Fitness and Nutrition Archived Fitness and Nutrition
December 2008
Push-ups strengthen the chest, shoulders, triceps,and core muscles. Beginners may start doing push-ups by leaning into their kitchen counters, then working their way down to a desk or chair, onto the floor with knees bent , and on the floor, on their toes. To make it harder, put your feet on a stair, bench, or couch while maintaining good form. To properly do a push-up look face down, place hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Place toes or knees on the floor, creating a smooth line with your body, from shoulders to knees or feet. Keeping rear-end muscles and abdominals engaged, lower and lift your body by bending and straightening elbows, keeping your torso stable throughout the move.                                               
November 2008
Eat Cranberries
According to a report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture that ranked the antioxidant value of a variety of fruits, cranberries came out on top. Compared with 19 common fruits, cranberries had the highest level of antioxidants-even more than blueberries. Antioxidants are compounds that protect the cells from damage and may help prevent disease,  including cancer. Cranberries also have a unique antibacterial effect. As a result, they are highly regarded for their ability to protect against urinary tract infections.  So don't overlook those red berries on Thanksgiving day, they are there for more than just their color. 
Apples Score High in Antioxidant Content
Move over blueberries and exotic fruits. The apple is also a powerhouse when it comes to antioxidant content. Measures of the antioxidant capacities of 277 selected foods were recently released by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists. Many of the fruits, nuts, vegetables, and spices listed were analyzed for their Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, known as ORAC. ORAC is one of a number of methods available to evaluate the antioxidant capacities of foods.                                                                   
October 2008
Stretching Essentials
* Target major muscle groups. When you're stretching, focus on your calves, thighs, hips, lower back, neck and shoulders. Also stretch muscles and joints that you routinely use at work or play.
* Warm up first. Stretching muscles when they're cold increases your risk of injury, including pulled muscles. Warm up by walking while gently pumping your arms, or do a favorite exercise at low intensity for five minutes. Better yet, stretch after you exercise--when your muscles are warm and more receptive to stretching. (Make sure if you plan to stretch only after your workout to increase the intensity of the activity more slowly than you would if you had stretched your muscles before exercising.)
* Hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds. It takes time to lengthen tissues safely. Hold your stretches for at least 30 seconds-- and up to 60 seconds for a really tight muscle or problem area. That can seem like a long time, so keep an eye on your watch or the clock on the wall. Then repeat the stretch on the other side. For most muscle groups, a single stretch is often enough if you hold it long enough.
* Don't bounce. Bouncing as you stretch can cause small tears in the muscle. These tears leave scar tissue as the muscle heals, which tightens the muscle even further--making you less flexible and more prone to pain.
* Focus on a pain-free stretch. Expect to feel tension while you're stretching. If it hurts, you've gone too far. Back off to the point where you don't feel any pain, then hold the stretch.
* Relax and breathe freely. Don't hold your breath while you're stretching. Breathing a slow smooth breath while stretching helps bring more oxygen into your body and plays a very important role in stretching.

How often to stretch is up to you. As a general rule, stretch whenever you exercise. If you don't exercise regularly, you might want to stretch at least three times a week to maintain flexibility. If you have a problem area, such as tightness in the back of your leg, you might want to stretch every day or even twice a day.
September 2008
Is the Nintendo Wii as Good as the Real Thing?
A team of exercise scientists at the University of Wisconsin LaCrosse Exercise and Health Program reports what their research concluded. Check out this link to find out what they learned: "As Good as the Real Thing?"
August 2008
Ten Highest Trans-Fat Foods
1. Cake mixes
2. Cereal and energy bars
3. Chips and crackers
4. Dried soups
5. Fast food
6. Frozen entrees
7. Margarine
8. Non-dairy creamers and whipped topping
9. Packaged cookies and candy
10. Packaged doughnuts, pies, and cakes
July 2008
Get into the Swim of Things

Did you know that the buoyancy of water reduces the "weight: of a person by 90%. This means that the stress on weight-bearing joints, bones and muscles is similarly reduced. For this reason, it is unlikely that a water workout will result in injury or leave you with sore muscles. That's why the pool is such a great place for people with arthritis or back problems to exercise and for those who are new to exercise. Water exercise can encompass all of the components of fitness: cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility.And when done regularly, water exercise can help reduce body fat also. So stay cool this summer and dive end and exercise in the pool. 

June 2008
Start With Breakfast Everyday!
Did you know that breakfast skippers:
* have a lower metablolism 4-5% lower than breakfast eaters
*are less likely to meet nutrient needs
*eat more later in the day and tend to binge on sweet and fatty foods
*have lower energy levels
*gain excess weight as they get older?
Eat regularly and have a combination of protein and carbohydrate. This will give you optimal energy until you next meal lasting you 3-5 hours depending on the size of your meal. For breakfast, carbohydrate bread and cereal choices preferably would be whole grain. Protein could be eggs, cheese-reduced fat varieties, or peanut butter-reduced fat.
Which Cooking Oil is Best?
The vote is in and olive oil is the winner. The beneficial health effects of olive oil are due to both its high content of monounsaturated fatty acids and its high content of antioxidative substances. Studies have shown that olive oil offers protection against heart disease by controlling LDL ("bad") cholestrol levels while raising HDL ("good") cholesterol levels. 

Olive oil is very well tolerated by the stomach. It's protective function has a beneficial effect on ulcers and gastritis. Olive oil activates the secretion of bile and pancreatic hormones much more naturally than prescribed drugs. Therefore, it lowers the chances of gallstone formation.

Studies have shown that people who consumed 25 milliliters (about 2 tablespoons) of virgin olive oil daily for 1 week showed less oxidation of LDL cholesterol and higher levels of antioxidant compounds, particulary phenols, in the blood. Olive oil is clearly one of the good oils, one of the healing fats. Spanish researchers suggest that including olive oil in your diet may also offer benefits in terms of colon cancer.
May 2008
Exercise and Sleep
Exercising close to bedtime can interrupt your ability to sleep as it makes you more alert and raises your body temperature. Cooler body temperatures are associated with sleep onset.
The 5 S's of Sports Training
The 5 S's of sports training are: Stamina, Speed, Strength, Skill and Spirit, but the greatest of these is SPIRIT. -Ken Doherty.
Running Hills
Running hills breaks up your rhythm and forces your muscles to adapt to new stresses which causes you to become stronger.
Meats, Poultry and Fish
Foods from animals, such as beef, chicken and turkey, and fish, has important protein, vitamins, iron and magnesium. But sometimes meat can also have a lot of fat. Try to choose these lean types of meat:
* white-meat chicken or turkey without bones and skin
*low-fat ground beef
*cuts of beef with little or no marbling, or white fatty streaks
Our bodies do need some fat. Fish has fats that are good for our bodies. Choose salmon, trout and herring to get these good fats. Some nuts and beans also have protein and "good" fats.
April  2008
Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and veggies give us:
* fiber, which helps us digest food
* vitamins to keep us healthier
* potassium for good blood pressure and arm pump
These power-packed foods make great snacks:
carrot sticks, apple slices, dried apricots or bananas, grapes, orange sections  and 100% fruit juices.
You Are What You Eat
What would happen if your car was out of gas, but instead of gasoline, you put soda and candy in the tank? You know the answer. It is not going any where. Putting the wrong foods into your body can also cause you not to be physically prepared to the best of your ability on race day. Food is fuel for our bodies and proper nutrition is basic to a good sound training program and is important for everyone.  The good things we get from foods-vitamins, protein, carbohydrates and minerals-help our bodies run better and grow as they should and help athletes to to be in better physical condition for that upcoming competition.
*Children should try to eat about 4 cups of fruits and vegetables every day. A cup is about 12 baby carrots, one large ear of corn, 32 grapes or one large banana.
*Try to avoid drinking sodas and energy drinks and drink more water and fat-free milk instead.
*Choose lean meats, poultry and fish.
*Eat mostly whole grains.
*And learn to understand and use the nutrition facts label on the foods you eat. Using this information, can help you make great choices about the foods you and your family eat.
March  2008
Be Aware of Frozen Foods
Today some frozen foods are better quality and it is possible to eat these foods and still eat healthy. You just need to read the ingredient labels and be aware of the contents of the product you are going to purchase. Some of the things to be aware of is the fat in frozen dinners. Aim for no more than nine grams per 300 calores (three grams or less saturated. The Healthy Choice line is low in fat and sodium. Finding good choices of frozen pizza is tough, since most are loaded with fat and salt. Keep sodium to 600 milligrams or less per 300 calories. For breakfast, choose foods with at least three grams of fiber of meal, which will keep you feeling full. You can't go wrong with frozen vegetables as long as you buy ones without added sauces or cheese. Choose brightly colored stir-fry mixes with red peppers, carrots, onions, and broccoli, which are packed with vitamins. As far as fruit, your best bet is a frozen fruit mix. A berry medley of blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries is loaded with antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin C and has a mere 70 calories per cup. You can toss berries over hot or cold cereal, mix into plain yogurt or bake with whole oats, walnuts and a honey topping.
Weightlifting - A Great Opportunity
Weightlifting is a great opportunity for you and your child to exercise together. If it is something your child wants to do with friends intead, just make sure that there is adult supervision involved. In fact, it might be a good idea for you to be involved in the first few workouts so you can make sure that safety guidelines are followed. Weightlifting is a great form of physical exercise that does so much for the body. But it must be done correctly. Make sure that your child knows how to use the weights properly and that your child is trained by someone that knows what they are doing.
Water Works Efficiently

Water offers natural resistance to movement, so opposing muscle groups are worked with equal force each time the body moves. That's important because if you train one in a pair of muscles more than the other, you become prone to injury due to the imbalance of strength.

 A vigorous water workout does double duty by raising the heart rate and strengthening muscle groups. The physical results mimic that of both weight training and aerobics done simultaneously. In terms of energy expended and calories burned, just one mile of swimming equals four miles of running. That exertion efficiently reduces body fat. In fact, Olympic swimmers are among the lowest in body fat with an average of 6 percent for men and 12 percent for women. 

Water also eases the stretching process. Because muscles aren't supporting the body in water as they do on land, the stretching you work toward on land comes more easily in the water. Just be glad you are not a 14th century medieval knight. They had to master swimming in their armor.


February 2008
Yoga For Athletes
There are several reasons for athletes to try yoga:
1. To Increase Flexibility and Range of Motion-Regular Yoga practice makes the spine more flexible and muscles more
    supple. It increases flexibility, strengthens and lengthens the whole body, increases range of motion, and release the joints.
2. To Improve Your Ability to Focus-Yoga improves focus and mental clarity.
3. To Correct Imbalances in the Body Caused by Training-Regular training can be repetitive by nature. It can be one 
   dimensional and can create imbalances. Some muscle groups are strengthened, but others are ignored. Yoga fixes these 
4. To Relieve Chronic Aches and Pains That Often Accompany Regular Training-You have less pain and more agility
    and mobility, which allows you to react more efficiently.
5. To Stay in Competition-Whether you run, cycle, or whatever training you do, "regular yoga practice may allow you to do
    what you love for the rest of your life." says Richard Faulds, President of Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health.
Seven Reasons Why You Should Exercise
1. Strengthen your cardiovascular and respiratory system.
2. Strengthen your bones and muscles.
3. Manage your weight.
4. Ease depression and manage pain and stress.
5. Prevent cancer.

6. Sleep better.
7. Prevent and manage diabetes.
January 2008

Vibrant Vegetables
Here is a list of colorful vegetables you can add to your diet and how they may improve your health:

**Winter squash and carrots get their orange color from carotenoids. These antioxidants lower the risk for cancer and heart
    disease and protect against asthma.
**Pink and red vegetables, such as tomatoes and red peppers, contain lycopene. This compound may help ward off 
    prostrate cancer and heart disease.
**Dark green vegetables, such as kale, broccoli, and spinach, provide lutein, a substance that may protect against age-
    related eye disease.
**Cabbage-family vegetables, such as cauliflower, contain indoles, which may help prevent cancer.

4 Ways to Work Out Indoors

Join a health & fitness club-These offer indoor exercise programs for many fitness levels and budgets. They have aerobics classes, cycling, weight rooms and other exercise equipment. In addition, find out if your health plan offers discounts at your local fitness center.
2. Try an exercise video or DVD-There are videos and DVD's on aerobics, weight training, stretching and flexibility and no matter what your fitness level currently is. You can make your indoor workout more fun by listening to music while exercising.
3. Work out with weights-You can buy inexpensive, handheld weights in a range of sizes to help tone your body and build muscle. Be sure to vary your exercise routine to keep your workouts interesting and tone and strengthen different areas of your body.
4. Get active at school and work-For example, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk around the building during break, etc. Remember, no matter what type of exercise you do, always remember to warm up before and cool down after your workout.
Left Over Food Safety
Leftovers make a great meal, if you take steps to avoid food borne illness. Within two hours ofcooking, put remaining food in containers and seal them tightly. Then date and refrigerate theme. Most leftovers may be eaten safely within three to five day
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