Fitness and Nutrition - 2004
November 2004

Researchers at the University of Maryland Baltimore have found, in test-tube studies, that malic and tartaric acids in non-cola drinks damage your dental enamel. So they concluded that sugar-filled soda really does rot teeth.

October 2004

The American Heart Association recommends choosing at least one food rich in vitamin A and C each day. Juicy vegetables and fruits, like citrus, strawberries, spinach, and bell peppers, contain the most vitamin C. Dark leafy greens, and dark orange fruits and vegetables provide optimal vitamin A, like broccoli, apricots, sweet potatoes, carrots, or cantaloupe. Try to consume five fruits or vegetables a day for optimum health. Eating a morning meal rich in fiber may make you more alert during the day. A recent study done at Cardiff University in Wales found that subjects who ate a high fiber cereal in the morning showed a 10% reduction in fatigue, lower incidence of depression, and better cognitive skills.

September 2004

Stretching boosts muscle temperature, making it more pliable. It also increases blood circulation providing a better supply of oxygen and nutrients to the working and injured muscles. Stretching after exercise (as opposed to resting) will speed up the removal of unwanted waste products, thus reducing soreness and stiffness.

August 2004

According to a government report, 1% to 3% of the nation's children and adolescents are among the 50 million Americans who have hypertension. The report recommends that screening begin at age 3. It is of much greater benefit for you to train every day and gradually upgrade your training program, than it is to train irregularly at intensities and distances which extend beyond your limits.

Milk is a great source of calcium and protein. You can enjoy it even if you're lactose intolerant! Opt for lactose-free milk or soy milk. Since whole milk is high in fat, choose nonfat or 1% fat. You can also get your calcium from dark green leafy vegetables, beans, soy products or calcium fortified juice and cereal.

July 2004

Exercising to keeps your immunity strong. Researchers have found a link between regular exercise and improved immune function response. Experts William Primos and James Wappes note that during moderate exercise immune cells circulate more quickly through your bodyand are better at destroying viruses and bacteria.

June 2004

Milk is a great source of calcium and protein. You need calcium for strong bones and teeth. You can enjoy it even if you're lactose intolerant! Opt for lactose-free milk or soy milk. Since whole milk is high in fat, choose nonfat or 1% fat. You can also get your calcium from dark green leafy vegetables, beans, soy products or calcium fortified juice and cereal The average American diet often contains 50 times more sodium than is necessary. Salt is detrimental to optimal sports performance because it produces low blood sugar, increases water retention and promotes dehydration. You can easily meet your normal daily salt requirements by eating properly combined well-balanced diet. No additional salt or salt supplements are necessary.

May 2004

Fitness bands can provide a challenging total body workout. To ensure your safety when using bands, check tubing regularly for tears, worn spots or holes and replace as necessary. Always wear supportive sneakers when using tubing. Be sure the tubing is securely anchored underfoot or on a door before each exercise. Finally, stay away from surfaces that are abrasive (i.e. concrete) that can tear tubing. Carpeting, wood floors or grass are best. Cravings usually are usually more psychological than physical. You can avoid cravings by eating small, frequent meals. When you get hungry between meals, enjoy a healthy snack. Another tip is to drink water instead of searching for a snack. Oftentimes, we confuse thirst with hunger. By not giving into cravings, you’ll be amazed at the amount of empty calories you save. Junk food is a popular terms used to describe foods that are “bad” for you. These foods usually provide very few nutrients, vitamins or minerals. They are also often high in salt, sugar and fat. We’re talking about potato chips, cookies, candy and their other unhealthy counterparts. In general, these foods should be avoided.

April 2004

Treadmills are a safe and convenient choice for your home gym, but make sure you try before you buy. Do not let the price be your only deciding factor. You should walk on the treadmill for at least 10 minutes to see how it feels on your body, hear the volume of the motor, scan the programs, try the incline and make sure it’s sturdy and has the features you require. Treadmills range in price from $400 to $4000 so choose carefully. Convenience is one of the biggest factors in sticking to an exercise program so having a home workout is a good idea. Basic equipment like dumbbells, fitness bands, a fitness ball and a mat are enough to give even the most experienced exerciser an effective and challenging workout in the comforts of your home and these items are great to carry with you when on the road. Stick to the basic moves like push-ups, squats, lunges and crunches to get started.

How much water do you really need? If you're active, even mild dehydration can hinder your workout performance. Compute your daily water needs by multiplying your weight in pounds by .08. For example, a 150 pound person would multiply their weight times .08, which equals 12. This person's water needs are 12 cups of water per day.

March 2004

A quarter piece of a delicious melon such as cantaloupe supplies almost as much vitamin A and C as most people need in an entire day. You can beat muscle soreness. Delayed onset muscle soreness is expected in the 24 to 48 hours following a challenging strength workout. It’s in the time following exercise that the muscles repair themselves and get stronger. If you are experiencing excessive muscle soreness, try a longer warm up, static stretching at the end of your workout, drink plenty of water, take a hot shower or rest longer in between workouts.

Athletic shoes will lose their cushioning after three to six months of regular use, according to the American Council on Exercise. After that they no longer absorb the pounding and jarring action of an activity. That means you're more likely to sustain injuries. To get the most mileage out of your shoes, wear them only for the intended activity. If you wear your running shoes for everything they will wear out faster.

February 2004

Studies show breakfast eaters tend to have more strength and endurance, and better concentration and problem-solving abilities. On the flip side, those who skip breakfast often feel tired, irritable or restless in the morning. Research shows kids who regularly eat a morning meal tend to perform better in school, often scoring higher on tests. Kids who skip breakfast tend to be tardy or absent from school more often. Breakfast eaters often behave better in school, too. If time is a concern for you in the mornings, start the day with quick breakfast options, like:

  • Whole-grain cereal with fruit and milk
  • Whole-grain cereal with a cup of yogurt
  • Toasted waffles topped with peanut butter
  • Instant oatmeal with milk and dried fruit
  • A whole-wheat pita stuffed with sliced hard-cooked eggs.

    Experts say you should walk 10,000 steps a day as a goal for good health this includes stairs, grocery shopping, switching classes, and walking the dog. Most sedentary people take only 3000 steps per day. Electronic pedometers can help you track your steps. Check to see how many you are walking.

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